
KelsieLou represents Kelsie Louise Smoot. I’m the daughter of Phillip and Alice Smoot and was raised in a household of four brothers: Phil Jr, Corey, Jason and Brad. With this family dynamics it was hard for me not to take a strong liking to sports. I was exposed to a wide range of physical activities starting with cheerleading for the Southfield Falcons football team to private tennis lessons.

Southfield Lathrup Falcons

At an early age I realized I didn’t want to be on the sidelines chanting “I said a Boom Chicka Boom” and so on and so forth. I wanted to be in the action and there I remained. I branched off to figure skating at the Southfield Civic Center and performed in the Ice Show from 1984-1986. Shortly after, I joined Motor City Track Club under the coaching of Ms. Bettye Robinson. I can still recall techniques I was taught on the track of MLK High School in Detroit and on various snow-covered hills for Cross Country.

Red Hots and Hearts

Red Hots and Hearts

I competed in track Semi Finals in West Virginia and earned a spot on the 1988 Track Team for the United States Youth games held in Patterson, NJ. The following year I qualified for the Swim Team and competed at the U.S. Youth Games in Baltimore, MD bringing home a 6th place medal for a ladder relay. During that time I was coached by Gary Peterson and trained at Johnson Recreation Center on the westside of Detroit. Gary’s no nonsense saying of “Don’t be shy do that fly. If you go to slow, you gone do some ‘mo” is permanently etched in the competitive portion of my mind.

Junior Achievements

Junior Achievements

My focus remained on swimming as Brad and I joined the Southfield Swim Club. Jason was swimming for Southfield HS and my Mom was coaching swim at Redford HS. Once HS rolled around I was not willing to practice in the a.m. and not have my hair styled for school so I joined the freshman basketball team as more of a social club. My Mother was not too happy about my decision. Basketball followed me through college at Indiana Tech but I quickly turned down being red shirted for a paid engineering intern.

The engineering degree was used for a couple of years until I decided my heart was geared for working with youth and helping them grow into healthy and active adults. I earned a Masters Degree from Wayne State University in Education with a Major in Physical Education and minor in Health. I am an example of how children being exposed to physical activity at a young age will more than likely chose to be active adults.

While running at Cherokee Park, I was told by a stranger that I should race and for my age group and pace I would do good. So far, he was right. I can never settle and I know there are runners in my age group and older who are faster. My goal is to compete in one race per month. I need to broaden that goal to get others motivated.

When I am not racing, I am a loving foster parent, an energetic teacher, and a proud health fanatic.

Trash the Dress 150

34 Responses to About

  1. Teresa says:

    Hi Kelsie, you have a very nice blog and your mother look wonderful. I am happy to hear that her surgery and recovery was a success! I wish that your mom to give me a call.


  2. Teresa says:

    Correction: I wish that your mom would give me a call.


  3. Hey Kelsie! Great blog! We met today at the 5K in Centerville, GA. I passed your name along to Headquarters so hopefully you will hear something soon!


    • KelsieLou says:

      Hi Deshala! Thank you for checking out my blog and taking my information. I’ve read a lot about Black Girls Run and it was refreshing to see you all out there supporting one another. β™₯


  4. Jamila Walker says:

    Your mom was my swim coach and taught me so many life skills. Love her!


    • KelsieLou says:

      Thanks for checking out my blog. It was always fun times going to work with my Mom. She’s taught me a lot too. Send her a friend request on FB. She keeps in touch with several former students.


  5. bke161 says:

    Since I enjoy reading your blog, I have nominated you for a Sunshine Award. http://runninglarge.wordpress.com/2013/11/03/sunshine-award/


  6. Alston says:

    You go girl!!!!!!!


  7. Chad Poole says:

    This site will be one of my new reading endeavors. Quite entertaining.


  8. AaLona says:

    Miss you!! xoxo @AaLona


  9. Hello,
    I’ve nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I love your blog
    Here is the info:


  10. Raymond says:

    I love your blog and your determination to live healthy life. Stay beauty as you are now πŸ™‚


  11. shunpwrites says:

    What a powerful narrative, to have run across your blog today is definitely a highlight!


  12. Hi! Thanks a lot for joining Thoughts of SheryL!
    Great blog! πŸ™‚


  13. Ryan Bingham says:

    Hey! Ms. Smoot! It’s Ryan Bingham from Whitney. I was going thtough some of my papers from Job Corps, and I ran across a paper with your blog on it that you gave us a while ago. First of all I just want to thank you for helping me so much in school. I know I didn’t have the best attitude back then, but it was only cause I was going through a lot. Little did you know I did consider you as a role model.. And I still do, I love how you carried yourself and I hope to be able to do the same one day. I really hope this finds you. I could use a few pointers on how to become a intelligent, successful, beautiful, and fierce woman as yourself. How have you been? Are you still at teaching at Whitney? And I would leave my number but it’s on Google and you know.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Kelsie Lou says:

      Hi Ryan!! God works in mysterious ways! I was just thinking about you earlier this week. I was in the gym and Hot N*gga came on my playlist. I remember we were in a business meeting giggling because Mr. Hilliard got up to speak on his morning agenda and casually said, “About a week ago…” and we got a good laugh out of that.

      I still keep in touch with Ms. Barnett, Mr. Poole (just got a postcard from him yesterday), and most of the hard trade instructors. I was hired in the public school system in January of 2016. I teach P.E. and Health at a middle school, and I absolutely love it!

      Ryan, I truly appreciate you reaching out to me. Your words were sincere, and touched my heart. You are well on your way to becoming all the things you desire to be and have in life. Remember, it takes time and patience. I am still a work in progress…believe me!

      Shoot me an email to: k_smoot@hotmail.com with your number. I would love to talk.

      Ms. Smoot


      • Ryan says:

        I sent my number to your email. And that is so funny, lol.. Tia use to get that song stuck in my head every day! I’m glad you like working there, I know you love working out.. so it suits you. I miss being up there but I got a lot of good memories out of it and life experiences, so it was a blessing. Oh and your welcome. I appreciate all the help you gave me. I look forward to hear from you so talk to you soon.


  14. John says:

    Thank you for following my photo blog! Your About page is well built. πŸ‘πŸ»β€οΈ


  15. Ryan Bingham says:

    Hey, Ms. Smoot check your spam for my number if you didnt get it through inbox.


  16. Arica Drummond Clay says:

    Hi Kelsie!
    It’s a blast from your past! Funny stumbling across your blog and Falcon cheerleading pictures!! Congratulations on the marathons. It was good to see what’s been going on with you and the family. Please tell your mom I said hello!

    Best, Arica


    • Kelsie Lou says:

      Arica!! My bff from Adler/ Birney days. πŸ€— I have so many fond memories of our friendship. I remember us playing Wheel of Fortune on your Dad’s computer and printing off those long banners on the dot matrix printer, the Civic Center, and cherishing a 6 piece chicken nugget meal like it was fine dining. πŸ˜„ So good to hear from you! πŸ’ž


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